Hi… I guess.

This sort of thing is new to me. I’m used to writing in solitude… things that will probably only ever be seen by my eyes and a few others. To be honest, this sort of blog probably won’t be seen by many more people than that. I suppose I should say why I am writing this blog.


I am a writer… a novelist in fact. And one day… I hope to finish my novel, which has the same name as this blog. However, I am not just a writer.

I am a female.

I am a lesbian.

I am almost 21 years old.

I have been, essentially, homeless.

I do not have an English degree. Hell, I don’t have any sort of degree.

I am unemployed.

I have ADD, OCD, PTSD, GAD, and a mood disorder that my doctor refuses to call bipolar.

And most of all… I think blogging is silly.


However, I’ve heard blogging can help writers block… and depression… and anxiety…. hell it can probably even cure the common cold for all I know. But I suppose I’ll give it a shot. Why not, right?


But overall…

My name is Alexandra. I am a writer. This is my blog, and I am pretty sure no one will ever read it.